Lumiére Head Spa: Luxury Japanese Holistic Therapy
Lumiére Head Spa
Project Type
Website Design
Spa & Wellness
About the Project

Lumiére Head Spa, brought to you by Lumiére Hammam, specialises in deeply relaxing head massages through expert Japanese holistic therapy. Their treatments are designed to enhance hair and scalp health, providing comrehensive and soothing care.
SearchNerve reached out to Lumiére Head Spa with a simple proposition to catapult their business into the digital space. With an exisiting strong social presence, we proposed an additional method of online exposure that will allow them to showcase their services, packages and offerings in a single place, whilst maintaining their brand vision and targets through a clean website design.

Project Details
New Website Design & Development
Designing and developing a website fitting their brand guidelines and core messaging.
Clear Collboration
We actively collaborated with the right people to ensure that the work was completed to a high standard.
Brand & Logo Design
SearchNerve created a logo and branding guidelines based on the owners vision and their target.
Final Product
The final product was a result of extensive colloboration between us and the owners, allowing us to develop a website that not only fits the brands image and vision, but also allows the oppotunity for users to discover the Japanese holistic treatment they didn’t know was availalble.